Addendum 2/2025….
The fantasy of a virus is interesting... For some dead thing to be able to hijack cells and do whatever requires a lot of intelligence and mimicking. Highly unlikely that something dead could do this. Same idiotic approach happens with genetic engineering, as if you can over write nature. Millions of years of evolution and we can reverse engineer it? Nope!
That's where they implemented the real virus, that people could believe that their bodies could be hijacked.
Imagine that.... The predator class wished it could be done in real life as they tried and tried.
So basically the idea of a virus only really works psychologically. An errant belief that hijacks you using yourself via the nocebo effect and being shunted into dangerous shots and antivirals.
I'm not worried anymore.
They underestimated humanity.
What they tried to do with COVID showed how naturally resilient we are, even if delayed and not conscious.
We are witnessing evolutionary psychology in motion.
This is what they gambled on and almost succeeded in doing. But because they lost, we gained knowledge of the predator class, even if subconscious like animals do.
That's why now they are on a blitzkrieg of propaganda of fear, uncertainty, and doubt. People are no longer reacting to it like they used to. And we even reacted differently to past generations. Genetics the same, but the environments were different.
(Transcript below the video.)
At time 1h6min he explains how 2018 and 2019, people were most depressed and easily tricked to overwrite their memories and feelings.
Now it makes sense why COVID happened in 2020. There were crazy hopes that we would regress into a depressed person not unlike the characters in Orwell's 1984.
BTW, Gotta turn on the subtitles for English. Click the gear to settings, click subtitles and choose your preferred language.
Transcript from around 1h6min. (The interview with Michael Nehls.
Our brain is an instrument that predicts the future, based on the experiences it has had.
The more we're able to look back, the better our predictions are. There is even a theory called 'Predictive Mind Theory'.
It's based on the fact that our brain unconsciously makes predictions about
what the future will look like and guides us through that, completely unconscious. This is called System One.
System One is constantly active, it doesn't need mental energy, which is really liberating.
And then there's System Two, where we actually start to think.
System Two only comes into play when our predictions don't materialize, when something unforeseen happens.
A very typical example: There are people who draw pictures on the street.
They draw wonderful pictures, two-dimensional, but they seem three-dimensional.
It's maybe an absurd example, but imagine that someone painted a wall, so it looks like a staircase.
We walk towards these stairs and our predictive mind says: “These are stairs".
And we try to run up these stairs and slam into the wall. At that moment we live consciously.
What happened here? What's different here? These images make us aware that the world can be different than we believe,
that the world might also be a bit absurd and we see that we can constantly have new experiences,
that behind every corner is an undiscovered territory, but it takes courage to go there.
The part of our brain that gathers knowledge, our biographical memory, narrative, everything we have experienced,
that is the hippocampus. The hippocampus accumulates all our knowledge throughout our lives.
To be very good at predicting the future the hippocampus is able to grow, so that our wealth of experience can grow.
The generated cells are the result of our curiosity and mental resilience.
This means that the hippocampus thrives on gathering experience and shapes us through experience, curiosity, resilience and also the ability to think.
Because we can only plan the future if we remember our plans. The hippocampus is responsible for that too.
And the combination of these properties I call our mental immune system.
We need the whole brain to do that. But there is one part of our brain ... if that doesn't work, it all breaks down.
And that is the formation of these new brain cells in the hippocampus. If they are not formed, curiosity is gone. Resilience is gone.
Our psyche is very weak. We are not prepared to think in new ways and our store of experience is shrinking and disappearing.
So it's actually our librarian. Exactly. He knows when and where he experienced something
and has access to all the books, all the events of all the days of our lives.
And now comes the indoctrination. If I want to indoctrinate someone, if I want to cause a change ...
we can only take in new memories and compare them with earlier memories
if we have the production of new brain cells. It has been shown that in 2018 and 2019,
worldwide, the rate of depression was the highest ever recorded. Depression is the clinical consequence of weak resilience.
Our mental immune system has never been as weak as it was in 2018 and 2019.
When I have a large part of society with a weak resilience
where they are forced to remember these narratives, because they would have life threatening consequences
or at least consequences like that you might have to pay a fine because you are caught on the street after 8 o'clock,
because 8:05pm the virus becomes particularly dangerous, then you have to remember these things.
But how do you do this if your hippocampus has lost growth potential?
Quite simple, it starts to overwrite things that were there before.
With the new narratives we overwrite our previous experiences.
Because the free neurons are not there? They are not there, no.
The hippocampus, our autobiographical memory center, is like a diary. Every day, you have to be able to write on a new page
and you have to turn the page. Every night new cells are created on which I can write again.
If these pages are not produced then the hippocampus has no other choice than to use earlier pages.
The content that was there, is automatically deleted.
If you talk about these aspects, like the narrative that there is a deadly virus and that you have to accept all the measures,
that you have to be willing to take part in a genetic experiment ...
it wasn't the case, that you could discuss this neutrally, with scientific facts and political decisions.
I mean, these are just things you can talk about, but they were no longer things anymore.
It was as if the people were personally attacked, almost as if you were invading their personal space.
They would really flinch and say: "Go away!" Then it was clear: a very strong indoctrination process had taken place here.
It is perceived as a religion, where you're not allowed to discuss it either. 2 and 2 is 5. That means,
the more absurd the content of the belief is, the more devout one is.
That is a process of indoctrination.
Not just propaganda, not just a kind of marketing, but
it's really about the information becoming a part of the person.
We have a golden opportunity to seize something good from this crisis.
Its unprecedented shockwaves ... they will make people more receptive to big visions of change.
It's vital that people will stick to the rules this weekend. It's to protect themselves and their family from this horrific disease.
A global crisis like a pandemic or climate change knows no borders and highlights just how interdependent we are as one people sharing one planet.
This development ultimately means that we have to accept something that we would not accept with our common sense intact.
This Great Reset implants a kind of operating system into society.
But our society is made up by people, so ultimately an operating system has been implanted in people's heads.
And anyone who has ever installed an operating system on their computer:
you need to format the harddisc before. Earlier rules should not be in conflict with new rules.
That means the earlier rules are deleted, so that the new system works without contradiction.
Ideally, you delete the past as well. the cultural past is not just rewritten, but doesn't exist anymore.
Indoctrination works most easy with children because they don't have much yet on their hard drive.
You can implant anything. How do you create a Brave New World,
where people already exist who have a past?
They know what it used to be like and that the future is unacceptable. The only way is to suppress the production of new brain cells in the hippocampus.
And if you block that process and at the same time implant this fear narrative in people's minds,
this fulfills two things: first, an overwriting of the previous, which we already spoke about,
but also a content that ensures that we are afraid of global crises.
When this narrative has become part of their personality, these people become fear driven because their personality is threatened.
Accept that we have to abolish all this, that we have to abolish democracy
in favor of a global regime that finally solves these global problems.
A well funded study shows that traumatic experiences and negative frequencies can erase our short and long-term memory
causing the hippocampus to shrink dramatically. What research has shown, is you can also shrink it
by not letting people experience trauma, but it is enough to be afraid of the trauma - the hippocampus shrinks.
So, the trauma didn't even happen! It is enough when humans only imagine experiencing or causing trauma.
Funded by the US Department of Defence and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
And we all remember Bill, do we? He who didn't exactly guard us from an exploding brain.
If anything kills over 10 million people in the next few decades,
it's most likely going to be a highly infectious virus. Well, this is a nightmare scenario
because human-to-human transmittable respiratory viruses can grow exponentially.
I wish I could say that we're halfway through, but I don't think so. It's going to be a while before things go back to normal.
To let you know that you need to isolate yourself, so you don't infect other people. Human-to-human respiratory spread is the scariest scenario.
Thank goodness that we have the innovation coming, because otherwise, the eventual damage would go on for over five years.
It's really important to understand that right now it is natural for all of us to be a little bit anxious and a little bit concerned.
You're not suggesting we can avoid that or should avoid that. No, by no means! There is clearly a reason for fear and anxiety right now.
It's useful to be a little bit more concerned. This is keeping people to keep their hands clean, by following the CDC instructions,
washing it 20 seconds with water and soap. Is there such a thing as a traumatized society?
Absolutely. For example, when 9/11 happened people around the world were traumatized by this.
It was horrendous. Watching the Twin Towers crash down and people thinking, knowing there were thousands of people in there.
It was very traumatizing to people. Then what happened: if people get their terror, their fear is triggered ...
The choice to either burn to death or jumping and know that you will die.
They try to defend themselves against that fear, because no one wants to feel fear or terror.
The defense against it is often anger, rage. And so, as we know, after 9/11 the motto was: Let's roll. Let's go get them.
This is a day where all Americans from every walk of life unite in our resolve for justice and peace.
America has stood down many enemies before, and we will do so this time.
That is what creates wars: the public is traumatized
and then they agree with the government that we should go get all these terrorists and kill them.
F-117 stealth bombers launched the opening salvo of Operation Iraqi Freedom.
For millennia, populations have been traumatized by the fear of death
and governments will try to make their people afraid of another nation.
Then the people who are being fear mongered by the government
will react with fear and then agree that we should go to war with that other country.
Negative frequencies wrapped around the soul of humanity.
We lost the key to heal in the ravages of time.
Our mind takes over unnoticable.
We have to slow down to the speed of our consciousness,
because the breeze at which things happen is faster than our brain can comprehend.
But once you slow down and observe you understand the patterns and feel the futility of fear.
We carry the connection to our history within ourselves but we don't recognise it.
We only need the courage to reactivate.
I was living in the Middle East during the war and I was watching entire populations being traumatized.
The paradigm I had about helping people recover from trauma was completely ineffective.
What was missing in our paradigm, or the narrative around trauma or even stress,
is that we must have a self help routine. It must be easily applicable to people, and it should be easy to replicate,
meaning a mother should be able to teach her children how to do it. I was left with trying to figure out what's in front of me
and how to deal with this situation. I'll tell you two simple stories:
I was living in Beirut and there was a lot of bombing going on at the time. We would hear missiles going overhead,
or people would begin shooting out of nowhere, just exploding into violence.
One time when a missile was going overhead, I was standing with some friends
and we were outside, just around a car. And all of us went like this - immediately.
It was the first time I saw that all five of us did it exactly the same way.
Very, very quickly, in less than a second, we had done this.
So then my question was: What part of the brain is so fast that it can activate that movement?
And then, what muscle patterns are in the body that can move so quickly to create that pattern?
Later on I studied this and I discovered it's called the fetal response,
pulling the body forward, protecting the underbelly of the body for safety purposes.
It is our nature to actually do this. We're not trained to do it. We're genetically encoded to do this.
After I figured out what part of the brain produced this. It's a very primitive part of the brain, the brain stem.
It's not the cortex, which is in the front of the brain, where the ego is, where we have our logic.
That would be too slow. It would not help us survive.
We need a more primitive part of the brain, that does it very quickly. Once I realized that, I thought:
If the body knows how to do this, and we do it all the time in war,
there must be a genetic encoding to release that response.
So then later on, when I was living in southern Sudan and there was a lot of war too, we were in a bomb shelter one time.
I'm sitting in the bomb shelter and I have two children on my lap. They were tremoring in their body out of terror.
I could feel it in my hands and I was fascinated. I looked around the room
and all the young children were tremoring uninhibitedly.
They had nothing to stop them from tremoring. But when they became about 10, 11 or 12,
I could see they were shaking, but they were trying to stop it
and none of the adults were shaking at all. And I thought: Oh, my God.
In these young children, I'm seeing a genetic response that's encoded in us
and these young children haven't learned how to turn it off yet. They're showing me what is the human trait, naturally.
But as we get older, in teenage years, we learn to try to turn it off
and by the time we're adults we're so frozen, we don't do it at all. When we left the bomb shelter, I asked this man:
Do you ever tremor like the children do? And he said: Oh, no. We don't want them to think we're afraid.
That was the perfect answer for me, because I realized we have a negative narrative around tremoring.
If you tremor, you're afraid, you're weak, you're vulnerable, you're insecure.
We have no positive quality around the organic, genetically encoded mechanism of tremoring.
If you're in a car accident, for example, even if it's a minor one, and you get your wallet out
because you have to show the police your driver's license, your hand will be shaking because the nervous system has been highly stimulated.
We will try to stop it and we might not be able to, but when we get home, guess what we do?
We take a drink. We drink some wine or drink some beer that will calm my nervous system.
What we missed was that the tremor mechanism is already calming the nervous system.
That's how it does it. The tremor mechanism activates when the nervous system is highly stimulated.
And it doesn't care whether that stimulation is from positive or negative stimulation.
So, we actually are self regulating organisms,
but we don't use the mechanism that we need for self regulation.
So, we stay in a state of constant tightness, which elevates our anxiety.
Be sure that your back is relaxed. Now raise your knees a few inches upward.
You will notice the subtle vibrations and that will probably become more.
How does it feel? A little odd, I must say.
Does it feels familiar or is it a new experience?
Nothing new, but like something that reminds me of long ago.
We decided it looks silly to shake. The body doesn't know we decided that.
That's when the cortex, the ego takes over the control of this primitive part of the brain
and says: Don't do it. And so, what I had to do was figure out a way to go around the ego.
The best way to do so is to start from the body.
It's like an instrument you learn to play and get to know better. These are the psoas muscles, that very fine and quick tremoring.
There you find a very high charge, the accumulated stress of life.
It demonstrates to you how quick the body knows what that mechanism is.
It knows how to activate it and it knows what to use it for. So the body takes control of that.
But see, we're genetically encoded. we're a safe being on planet Earth, even with traumas affecting us,
because we're genetically encoded to be able to get ourselves through that process ... but we don't use that genetic encoding.
The connection between our brain and body has been hijacked by the division and illusion of control.
It is no more complicated than the observation that we have switched off primal reflexes and senses, so that we no longer make choices based
on instinct or common sense, but much more from surviving within a system that we have decided to be a part of.
What it is giving us, is the fearful illusion of false humbleness instead of the strength that should radiate from humanity.
It's not a coincidence that philosopher Aristotle, much admired by the Vatican,
came up with the idea of having only five senses with which people could perceive the world around them and themselves.
In 1624, at the urgent instance of the Vatican, the French Parliament passed a decree
banning criticism of Aristotle's theories with the penalty of death.
Burned at the stake ... which made it a little easier for people at the time to choose, of course.
If you are alive today, you are the product of somebody
at some generation who watched the heretic burn.
The wild type The human expression of the unconstrained and the unlimited was executed.
That means that if we're alive today, we are the survivors of cowards.
Epigenetically, every single one of us is the offspring of people who survive.
That means, we were the ones that watched the heretics burn.
You can't underestimate the mind control and the manipulation that becomes embedded in the epigenetics of our civilization,
whether it's in our generation or in previous generations. By the way,
forcing people to line up for the [Covid] shot was no different than a public burning in the town square in the 15th century.
Because what it said was: your individual rights, your individual sovereignty,
have to be subservient to the public interest.
And the public interest is silence and 'kill' anyone who questions the narrative.
We're no different. We have not evolved one iota.
Before we can critique history, I think it's important that we start with the self-awareness and the humility of going:
this isn't a they problem, this is an us problem. It's not just an us problem, it's a me problem.
The critique that I offer for the public sector is a critique that I have to apply against my own life,
because if I'm not prepared to do that then I'm worthless in listening to.
I can assure you that I have members of my family ... I have a number of people who have been harmed by the fact
that there were times when truth felt less expedient
than making up a story that passed as the justification or the cover story for what I didn't want to face in my own life.
If we're going to have credibility in a critique we have to be able to look in the mirror first.
And here comes the kicker to the question, which is:
Why is it so important to hobble, to enslave and diminish the capacity to be human?
Why is it so important to do that? And why are there so many vested interests that try to rob us of our essence as humanity?
And the answer is, that if we actually were humans at liberty, we would not be controllable.
I don't mean that in a hedonistic sense. And I don't mean that in a nefarious sense.
I mean that we would actually apply our thoughts, our creativity,
our relationships, our life force, our energy ... we would apply those things for greatness.
It turns out that in a world where we need to have acquiescence and control,
we need to have manipulation and we need to have coercion, we need to have secrets, we need to have perversion,
we need to have all kinds of things to keep people in fear and control.
We have to make up stories that are themselves essentially false.
So David, how did you come up with the idea of doing a workshop about the 12 senses?
I started playing around with this idea ... I started recognizing: oh, my goodness, maybe the problem we have is
that humanity has quite literally switched off many of the reflexes and awarenesses that we have
and that by doing so, it's quite easy to be controlled, to be manipulated, to be blinded, to be anesthetized to the world around us.
And so, why don't I see if there's a way to teach turning all those systems back on?
The whole idea of it was to say: We can't be fully human until we have all of our senses functioning.
We sit there, going: Well, they're all powerful, and it's just me. No, they're careless with their power, and we can hijack it.
They have to be laughing their butts off, going: We don't even have to do it!
They're self-destructing from the inside. Sit with that for a second.
Feel that for a second.
So, if we think about what is a future, the way I see a future, that is a beautiful, amazing opportunity,
is to say, if the consensus of what we're told, is that we are going to virtualize reality, we are going to artificialize intelligence,
we're going to do all these things, then it feels like there has to be a counterweight in that conversation
that says: before we jettison all of these senses and all of these capacities
and essentially relegate them to bits and bytes and digital formula,
wouldn't it be a good idea to examine the thing we're leaving behind? The problem is, if we don't know how far back behind is,
if we don't know that in the 1600's it was illegal to question the five senses,
if we don't know that questioning the five senses goes back to Aristotle, when was the 'before' that we're leaving behind to go to the future?
And so for me, I think a future for me is a consciousness of humanity,
where when we decide to take on a technology, for example,
when we decide to take on a social convention or a social experiment on how people could organize,
I'd like us to be able to have the informed debate that says: What are we giving up?
What are we getting? And in many respects, I would say that humans without all twelve senses
by definition, can never have informed consent. In a way, I think this is the ultimate precondition to informed consent.
If you don't know what you're being asked to give up, because over the last maybe 200 years or 2000 years,
you've been conditioned to accept a reality that is not actually fully sensed reality,
then you can't ever be informed of the trade off that you're making. This is important when we think about it from a psychological structure.
We pretend to live in a world where we allegedly say we have freedom of choice.
But I want to deliver a really painful message. Everything that's presented as a choice to us today, is not a choice.
It's a selection from curated options.
Let me say that again. It's a selection from curated options. And
I saw a similar interview to this one but I can't remember who was being interviewed. I'm still amazed that people fell for all of this crap. I will never get over it in my lifetime. Ever. So disappointed that pretty much the entire country is/was mentally ill! For real! One that gets me every time is people who would put on a giant face diaper to walk to their table in a restaurant and then suddenly, like magic, as soon as they sat down they could take off the diaper because the "virus" all of a sudden couldn't get them anymore. People fell for that. I can't believe people didn't tell these restaurant owners to F off and walk out saying they would never be back. Ever. And then there's the magical airplane rides where sitting 12 inches from someone if you were eating or drinking you didn't need to wear a face nappy because the "virus" knew you were eating and couldn't get you. lol. OMG!! And then, like this gentleman mentioned... the curfews. The "virus" was very scary after 8pm. lol. I said NO to all of it. From the start. I guess, if there's anything good... it proves that you and I are possibly not insane right? The only thing I fear is that the people are ready to fall for it all again. I'm not holding my breath that people won't do exactly the same thing next time, minus just a few that have been enlightened. You know rob (c137), the way I see it is we are all going to die. None of us knows when. It makes sense to engage in preventative measures to keep ourselves healthy. But, when my number is up... it's up! I am NOT going to live in fear. I'm just not. Thanks for posting this, but I do have to admit I had a bit of PTSD watching and hearing this madness all over again. I keep up with most things "covid", but I have forgotten some of the constant propaganda and fear campaigns that were waged against us. Amazing. And sickening. Sorry for the rant.
Hey Rob C137. May your holidays be bright with friends and Good Cheer... We need that, eh!
I think the hardest thing about all this Hellish Agenda is just how profoundly EVIL it really is. I think people have a hard time accepting just how homicidal and HELLISH the plans really are. I think it's mind-boggling to contemplate the PLAN for Humanity... ie, Death. And not just for us, but for Earth, generally speaking.
When people realize that the End Game is ABSOLUTE ANNIHILATION, then we can proceed to take these muffos down. I hope the tipping point comes soon, before they've started a nuclear war...