I saw a similar interview to this one but I can't remember who was being interviewed. I'm still amazed that people fell for all of this crap. I will never get over it in my lifetime. Ever. So disappointed that pretty much the entire country is/was mentally ill! For real! One that gets me every time is people who would put on a giant face diaper to walk to their table in a restaurant and then suddenly, like magic, as soon as they sat down they could take off the diaper because the "virus" all of a sudden couldn't get them anymore. People fell for that. I can't believe people didn't tell these restaurant owners to F off and walk out saying they would never be back. Ever. And then there's the magical airplane rides where sitting 12 inches from someone if you were eating or drinking you didn't need to wear a face nappy because the "virus" knew you were eating and couldn't get you. lol. OMG!! And then, like this gentleman mentioned... the curfews. The "virus" was very scary after 8pm. lol. I said NO to all of it. From the start. I guess, if there's anything good... it proves that you and I are possibly not insane right? The only thing I fear is that the people are ready to fall for it all again. I'm not holding my breath that people won't do exactly the same thing next time, minus just a few that have been enlightened. You know rob (c137), the way I see it is we are all going to die. None of us knows when. It makes sense to engage in preventative measures to keep ourselves healthy. But, when my number is up... it's up! I am NOT going to live in fear. I'm just not. Thanks for posting this, but I do have to admit I had a bit of PTSD watching and hearing this madness all over again. I keep up with most things "covid", but I have forgotten some of the constant propaganda and fear campaigns that were waged against us. Amazing. And sickening. Sorry for the rant.
Hey Rob C137. May your holidays be bright with friends and Good Cheer... We need that, eh!
I think the hardest thing about all this Hellish Agenda is just how profoundly EVIL it really is. I think people have a hard time accepting just how homicidal and HELLISH the plans really are. I think it's mind-boggling to contemplate the PLAN for Humanity... ie, Death. And not just for us, but for Earth, generally speaking.
When people realize that the End Game is ABSOLUTE ANNIHILATION, then we can proceed to take these muffos down. I hope the tipping point comes soon, before they've started a nuclear war...
Lt Col Fletcher Prouty in the book The secret team wrote about how after the nuclear bomb was invented, wars were designed to not have winners or losers in order to prevent confrontation.
I don't think the predator class is that stupid, even if the politicians are. They know that nukes would screw up the earth for quite a while...
But as I understand it, the whole idea of the Insane Globalist Muffos is to do just that... and not just "screw up the earth," but to KILL IT, and everything ON IT, so that they can come up from their hidey holes underground and start a whole NEW creation... THEIRS. And they can be GODS...
I have no doubt that if this is actually the plan, they will FAIL. But I've also read something a while back about how "nuclear" bombs are not what we've been led to believe, either... the Chernobyl area is thriving-- without humans in it!!
Who knows. SO MANY LIES, it's hard to draw a line anywhere.
During the Covid Reset, I queried the free version of philosopherAI about "Why did Covid-19 Affect Milan, Italy" it generated a treatise on how the Covid operating system was made to "optimize the human brain" and that humans have a choice to accept the system but they generally don't realize they have a choice.
Thanks for posting. Excellent film. I watched the whole thing and transcribed it. There's some real gems, especially the interviews with Michael Nehls and David Martin about the hippocampus and indoctrination. It put my faith back in self and life and our place in it.
And I forgot to say to you: HAPPY HOLIDAYS, m'dear! However you think of these days, end of the year, Baby Jesus Day, whatever, it's a natural Take Paws kind of time... woof to you and best to all yours, cherish them up! xo xo
I mean... it could've been a reference to Caesium-137 or the The Boeing C-137 Stratoliner https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C-137 but a cursory glance at your profile would solve the mystery for any fan of Rick and Morty.
Brilliant: "Who needs aliens when people so easily become them with the threat of denying them a caffe latte." No doubt. I took some items back to a hardware store in 2020. I can't remember what month it was. But, anyway, upon entering the store there was a mask nazi standing there who told me I would have to put on a face diaper before I could go in. There was a line of people waiting to be allowed admittance through the turnstile they had setup. I yelled at the poor lady, "you have absolutely *no* right to tell me to wear a medical device!" (I felt bad later because she was obviously only doing what she was told and was scared). I handed her my bag full of items I was returning for refund (I think it was around 20$ worth of items) and told her she could keep the crap and that I would NEVER go back. And... I've *never* gone back. If just half of the people would have done that this whole charade would have ended almost overnight.
I saw a similar interview to this one but I can't remember who was being interviewed. I'm still amazed that people fell for all of this crap. I will never get over it in my lifetime. Ever. So disappointed that pretty much the entire country is/was mentally ill! For real! One that gets me every time is people who would put on a giant face diaper to walk to their table in a restaurant and then suddenly, like magic, as soon as they sat down they could take off the diaper because the "virus" all of a sudden couldn't get them anymore. People fell for that. I can't believe people didn't tell these restaurant owners to F off and walk out saying they would never be back. Ever. And then there's the magical airplane rides where sitting 12 inches from someone if you were eating or drinking you didn't need to wear a face nappy because the "virus" knew you were eating and couldn't get you. lol. OMG!! And then, like this gentleman mentioned... the curfews. The "virus" was very scary after 8pm. lol. I said NO to all of it. From the start. I guess, if there's anything good... it proves that you and I are possibly not insane right? The only thing I fear is that the people are ready to fall for it all again. I'm not holding my breath that people won't do exactly the same thing next time, minus just a few that have been enlightened. You know rob (c137), the way I see it is we are all going to die. None of us knows when. It makes sense to engage in preventative measures to keep ourselves healthy. But, when my number is up... it's up! I am NOT going to live in fear. I'm just not. Thanks for posting this, but I do have to admit I had a bit of PTSD watching and hearing this madness all over again. I keep up with most things "covid", but I have forgotten some of the constant propaganda and fear campaigns that were waged against us. Amazing. And sickening. Sorry for the rant.
Hey Rob C137. May your holidays be bright with friends and Good Cheer... We need that, eh!
I think the hardest thing about all this Hellish Agenda is just how profoundly EVIL it really is. I think people have a hard time accepting just how homicidal and HELLISH the plans really are. I think it's mind-boggling to contemplate the PLAN for Humanity... ie, Death. And not just for us, but for Earth, generally speaking.
When people realize that the End Game is ABSOLUTE ANNIHILATION, then we can proceed to take these muffos down. I hope the tipping point comes soon, before they've started a nuclear war...
I don't see nuclear war as a possibility.
Lt Col Fletcher Prouty in the book The secret team wrote about how after the nuclear bomb was invented, wars were designed to not have winners or losers in order to prevent confrontation.
I don't think the predator class is that stupid, even if the politicians are. They know that nukes would screw up the earth for quite a while...
The nuclear thing is there to keep people afraid.
Well, maybe you're right.
But as I understand it, the whole idea of the Insane Globalist Muffos is to do just that... and not just "screw up the earth," but to KILL IT, and everything ON IT, so that they can come up from their hidey holes underground and start a whole NEW creation... THEIRS. And they can be GODS...
I have no doubt that if this is actually the plan, they will FAIL. But I've also read something a while back about how "nuclear" bombs are not what we've been led to believe, either... the Chernobyl area is thriving-- without humans in it!!
Who knows. SO MANY LIES, it's hard to draw a line anywhere.
And I don't believe much of what these people say, anyway!
to life!
During the Covid Reset, I queried the free version of philosopherAI about "Why did Covid-19 Affect Milan, Italy" it generated a treatise on how the Covid operating system was made to "optimize the human brain" and that humans have a choice to accept the system but they generally don't realize they have a choice.
Thanks for posting. Excellent film. I watched the whole thing and transcribed it. There's some real gems, especially the interviews with Michael Nehls and David Martin about the hippocampus and indoctrination. It put my faith back in self and life and our place in it.
And I forgot to say to you: HAPPY HOLIDAYS, m'dear! However you think of these days, end of the year, Baby Jesus Day, whatever, it's a natural Take Paws kind of time... woof to you and best to all yours, cherish them up! xo xo
Oh, I guess I did kind of say that, LOLOLOL. I know at least THREE ROBS on SS, har harf!
Well, make my Holiday Wish extra happiness for you. ;)
Great find. Thank you very much.
Rob - does the "C" stand for circa?
thanks for the intriguing film.
It's a rick and Morty reference.
He is rick from universe c137.
The rickest of ricks.
I mean... it could've been a reference to Caesium-137 or the The Boeing C-137 Stratoliner https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C-137 but a cursory glance at your profile would solve the mystery for any fan of Rick and Morty.
I just took a quick preview of the film (for later viewing) and it looks absolutely FASCINATING. Thank you so much.
Brilliant: "Who needs aliens when people so easily become them with the threat of denying them a caffe latte." No doubt. I took some items back to a hardware store in 2020. I can't remember what month it was. But, anyway, upon entering the store there was a mask nazi standing there who told me I would have to put on a face diaper before I could go in. There was a line of people waiting to be allowed admittance through the turnstile they had setup. I yelled at the poor lady, "you have absolutely *no* right to tell me to wear a medical device!" (I felt bad later because she was obviously only doing what she was told and was scared). I handed her my bag full of items I was returning for refund (I think it was around 20$ worth of items) and told her she could keep the crap and that I would NEVER go back. And... I've *never* gone back. If just half of the people would have done that this whole charade would have ended almost overnight.