"All our lives we are told that humans are crazy, violent, irrational, etc. It turns out that this was determined by people who pretend to be sane, calm, rational. That's the definition of gaslighting."

-Thanks for the post Rob!

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Thanks for the reminders.

I can't get all the way through this, because it's just too sadistic.

These guys are sadistic, straight up.

I'd be interested in hearing what Pavlov himself would have to say about being experimented on the same way he did to those more-worthy-than-he dogs.

Ten to one his "theories and philosophies " would never make it in the door.

Maybe Fausti is Pavlov re-...(.not born)...-.spawned.

They who attempt to cross the species barrier tell us we are "born with original sin". What's that? The sin of being human? Fully human, and unwilling to torture others?

Yep. "We can make you inhuman like us, if....."

The money game is their tool and weapon. They have nothing to give or trade here. They are not "of life".

they are "of " The Machine.

Oh, really, torturing an animal will totally screw them over?

Who would have guessed, sir Pavlov? Who could have imagined that?

Not you and yours, evidently.

Thanks for the portrait of insanity. Musn't be forgot.

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Haha, yeah!

The predator class love to find ways to control people.

Check out my reply to DrLausDextro above about 1984 vs Brave New World.


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Whoa, what an impressive ( I assume that was the point,lol) word salad he offered up there.

In an attempt to state it all in plain old english, uhmmm, "these sadistic creeps with nothing better to do drove rats insane by ringing a bell in their little sensitve rat hears for hours."

Wow. What a "dis-covery". Always "peeking " under the covers, or something.

What a bunch of freaks. I can't wait to see them boarding for Mars, where they probably belong.

Uhmm, in Bradbury's full text of "The Illustrated Man", one of the stories is funny as heck. It's about missionary priests being sent to the colony on mars, and one of them is young and brilliant and nuts and feels really excited because he expects there will be "new kinds of sins" to redeem men from. It's strange goofy, but worth reading.

Let me see.....I have a free pdf download that has 18 stories, plus prologue and epilogue. This particular one is titled "Fire Ballons. "

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will do, thank you

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Jul 13·edited Jul 13Liked by Rob (c137)

Rob, a real pleasure to read this latest output, thank you.

Poor canines, though they fare better than ratus ratus.

I was reminded of Hans Selye's 'general adaptive syndrome' <https://www.habitsforwellbeing.com/the-general-adaptation-syndrome-by-hans-selye/> The underlying physiology was illuminated by rats scurrying around a brass bell dish that clanged. They perished in stressed out exhaustion, demonstrating adrenal exhaustion (histological examination of their adrenal glands) and activation of the sympathetic adrenal medullary axis. The more recent insights nuanced by understanding the central role of the modulating pre-frontal CNS and mid-brain limbic system point to individual levels of allostasis, embodied by the modulating affects of predictability, control and feedback on the threat. These responses lead to a theoretical decrease in the deleterious physiological responses to uncontrolled 'stress' (threat). But an increased escalation of threat will eventually break down the allostatic response, eventually leading to physiological decompensation, and manifest failure to cope.

Seminal paper on the subject: https://retina.anatomy.upenn.edu/pdfiles/5446.pdf

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Thanks for the links!

It seems like this is the basis for our 1984-like world that Orwell was actually writing about his time. He was in military intelligence and witnessed the crazy extremes of torture. Despite being into socialism, he questioned why so many socialists bought into the USSR as ideal, as they did similar things to their people as the west does.

Thanks to COVID, we now see that even if it's a Western scheme, the East went along with it. Russia had their own clot shots and they also gaslight their people about adverse effects. We don't know much about China's shot, but they went along with lockdowns. All for a hyped up flu?

If they wanted a shift to Brave New World, they would need to stop using stress to break down people and start helping people love their servitude by making their lives happier.

This could have worked if they didn't allow big pharma to bury the drugs that help people feel better. Instead, they still push garbage like SSRI's and statins on us, both of which just keep the body in stress.

I'm not sure what the future brings, but it might be the right time for the ptb to dump "1984" as people have seen the illusion of democracy when almost every country went along lock step with the pandemic. Perhaps pharma will be sold out to regain trust with the people.

But then, the WEF still thinks that trust can be gained by more propaganda 😂

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Jul 14·edited Jul 14Liked by Rob (c137)

Once down the rabbit hole, one can't un-see, and it's tempting to seek a unified theory, ie. the great cull <reset> while it's also easy to overlook that there appear numerous disparate and possibly competing assaults spawned by various 'interests' upon the remnant illusions of freedom and receding pretence of 'civilisation'. Some have alluded to the passing of peak oil and an imminent collapse into chaos, being "mitigated" or "managed" by the current plethora of dystopian provocations. Humanity has survived worse and appears capable of summoning creativity and prosperity from a deep resourceful well, one lined by spiritual transcendence. It seems that there are those who would spurn this in favour of their evil nihilism captured by insatiable greed. Therein lies the 'battle'?

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Jul 14·edited Jul 14Author

When I think about peak oil, I'm reminded that one flight in Gates jet equals the amount all my cars would emit in my lifetime.

If they want to fix peak oil, stop this elitist obsessed culture.

I'm also reminded of how the US military emits more than everyone else combined. For what? "Safety?"

If they want to fix peak oil, stop this war obsessed culture.

No need for billionaires and shareholders that mop up the "profits" that go into other schemes.

No need for wars that only take away from people and give to the ones who rebuild the disasters.

It's a ripe time for the truth to show up as an easy solution to a problem that the schemers made up.

I think the battle is done. People are losing trust in authority because they seem to only know how to bring obedience by hurting us.

If they read Brave New World, they would have realized that the better way to control people is by giving them things.

Nope, not in end stage capitalism. The shareholders will not allow it 😂 !

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Great response, loaded with hope. There is a finishing line to this race (or battle) that has been declared, 2030. WEF/WHO et al. with their rainbow banner and DIE nonsense. They have hoisted their petards to that closing line in the sand.

I think it will be a tight and difficult race, but have a strong sense of who will win ;-).

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Jul 13Liked by Rob (c137)

I like the idea that certain aspects of Big Pharma and other industries can be 'let go' to appease the crowds. They can even throw a few low level minions to the wolves so they can satiate their need for vengeance. We need to be wary of these tactics, sidestep them, and keep advancing towards the target.

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what cruelty pavlov did. only ill, has come of it, (waterboarding anyone?). Isolation was essential. never let them do that , it is the very first step.

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Very interesting stuff. I can very much see how Pavlov’s studies apply to pandemic issues. I was so surprised to see many of my friends turn into fear driven animals, especially in the theatre community (where empathy is norm) and the holistic community (that has always been suspicious of allopathic medicine.) This shines some light and I greatly appreciate you sharing it.

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We've all felt times in our lives where we were burned out and tired enough to not have anything left to be curious and think for ourselves.

It's just that for some they fold quicker.

We all believed in bullcrap before, but what matters is that we learn from the mistake.

I feel like this is the "archetype" or whatever of the current times.

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9/11. Interesting. I've always believe we entered (purposefully?) a new level of consciousness/denial that day as a nation. I went into work and we all sat in the conference room staring at the TV. I was not surprised at what happened. Shocked, but not surprised –at all. After watching the 'watchers' from the back of the room, I went back to my office, sat down and listened as an air force fighter plane roared by. I've never strayed from what I thought (and still believe) was a stable mindset. Watching the herd mentality set-in and now, we've evolved to the point where thousands are being cornered like rats and murdered, their land destroyed, and we just adapt to it. Of course, we now live at the brink of nuclear war while being at the mercy of a mentally challenged leader and a dubious Press. So, in short, this is where we've arrived: on the edge of the abyss. Of course I could be wrong. (Thanks for the post!)

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I had the same reaction to 9/11. Those who became hysterical believed the bullshit fed to them and eventually believed in the wars we were lied into.

BTW 9/11 was the event that set the stage for the legislation that was used during covid.

The anthrax attacks opened the door for "bio defense" paranoia.

Katherine Watt and Sasha Latypova on substack write about these laws.

Biden being mentally challenged reminds me of Reagan's issues. Notice how that was also at the high point of tensions with the East! But back then, I thought the president actually decided things. These days, I think it's even more clear that the position is

The ptb know that any nuclear exchange would damage the earth, mutual assured destruction.

I read stories about close calls during the cold war and it was always some crazy last minute resolution. I remember as a child confused about why it was so easy to almost destroy the earth. My father said it was because the commies were evil. I'm sure they thought we were evil.

These days, I think the threat of nuclear war is to keep Eurasia, EastAsia, and Oceania in another perpetual war. It's the 1984 story on repeat, 😂

Russia and China went along with the lockdowns.

The Russian Sputnik shot has the same issues as Astra Zeneca and yet they pushed it on their people. They're being gaslit just like we are in the West about the injuries from these shots.

Russia still pays Ukraine to pump gas to Europe through it.

A couple of months ago there was this Hungarian minister who explained that because of energy costs, they're building nuclear plants with Russia's expertise. He laughed that the Russians contracted western European companies to do parts of the job because doesn't that go against the sanctions? Also he found it funny that the US were telling Hungary to not use Russian nuclear fuel because Russia is who the US still buys most of theirs from!

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Do you know that nuclear weapons are a hoax, Rob?


I believed 9/11 only because I didn't really look at it because I sensed it was all about manipulation so felt the best thing was not to pay any attention. At the same time, I had no understanding of the limitless elasticity of the Emperor's New Clothes effect and thought that they must have done it because they wouldn't have had the confidence they could get away with it. Probably quite a few people fit into my category.

I skimmed your article to see how long it was and ended up in the comments so I will go back and read it tomorrow when I can give it proper attention.

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I like this guy's take on the nuclear weapons debate...


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Jul 21·edited Jul 21Liked by Rob (c137)

I've seen him, good stuff. I'll add a link to his page on mine.

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Great reminders!

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Similar thoughts here, thank you for your article and the application of The Mappa Mundi.



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Jul 13Liked by Rob (c137)

COVID was 'all the above' and probably some new things too. A shock collar was strapped around the neck of the entire human species. The finger seems to be off the button for now, but always hovering ready to strike. Some time soon, the button will be pressed again, possibly with something similar continuing from where we left off, or whatever's next on the dog training check list (mass trauma based mind control procedures).

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Yip me too( I hope the insanity is making so much noise more people wake)but I am not waiting for them I need to to be the change I want to see (as imperfect as I am as a human being now)


Programming can only happen in the conditioned mind(ego /that phantom that is fear )

99% of dogs dont have an ego= mind made sense of self but do have memory as a mind function and can can be conditioned using fear and desire( like humans) . Food is great for conditioning ( training dogs)

The needed change is simple its to be who we are, love as a normal state not fear. Freedom lies there.

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deletedAug 21Liked by Rob (c137)
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I don't think he was sane, but he thought he was sane.

Neither was Freud who had a big cocaine habit. It's funny how we still look up to them as geniuses, despite their failures.

Our modern Western culture was shaped by a nephew of Freud called Edward Bernays who put his theories into advertising and politics which twisted humanity just like his uncle lol.

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deletedAug 22Liked by Rob (c137)
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I think it's changed a lot.


People used to be cool with witch burning and other horrors that had no basis in reality.

These days more are starting to look at the genocide happening with shock. I suppose it's also because the economy sucks instead of the good times when people tune out the negative.

The people who still think it's alright are the dinosaurs. They will become socially extinct because they can't co exist with nature and society.

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